If you fail to set WiFi for ip camera, please make sure your router:
1. All IP cameras support 2.4G HZ WIFI, but only some IP cameras don’t support 5GHZ Wi-Fi.
2. NO MAC filter enabled on your router. Or you need to disable the MAC filter temporarily before successfully configuring the camera.
3. Router’s DHCP is enabled, after setting up and setting a fixed ip address for IP camera, you can disable DHCP again.
4. The WiFi Encryption is WPA/WPA2-PSK; either AES or TKIP encryption is OK if you are not using WPA/WPA2.
It is possible to use WEP. It is recommended that we use WPA/WPA2 now because WEP is quite old technology and is not safe nowadays.
5. The WiFi Channel needs to be set as AUTO in order to avoid busy channels.
Inconsistent signal, it could be due to:
1) Too many devices sharing the same internet network. Please try to disconnect other devices.
2) The IP camera is too far from the router if using a WIFI connection.
• For Other quality and setup issues, please reset the camera to factory default.